Prof. Baron Osthoff represents the appointment area of applied media philosophy at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences / Media Faculty. Main focus: media events · usage of public diplomacy & agenda setting · opposition research. He first taught "Media and Politics" at the chair of Karl Friedrich Reimers at the renowned Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film – HFF (University for Television and Film Munich).
In addition, Prof. Baron Osthoff is involved in the fields of medical sciences as well as applied philosophy of science – esp. clinical application of digital medicine and philosophy of medicine / applied medical ethics. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) as well as a member of the German Society of Anti Aging Medicine (GSAAM).
Previously, Prof. Baron Osthoff held positions as a strategic planning manager in the software industry, and he was a coach as well as an international political and government consultant. During this time, he was a member of the German Economic Council – for a time also a co-opted member of the board of the Lower Saxony regional association – as well as a member of national and international expert commissions and delegations in the fields of (new) media as well as foreign and health policy. Already during his first studies, he gained first specific industrial experience in the board department "Technical Planning / Plant Structure Planning" of a major Stuttgart-based automobile manufacturer.
In the run-up to the EXPO2000 world exhibition, Prof. Baron Osthoff advised the site management of the German theme park "Planet of Visions" on accessibility issues and the management of visitor flows. He also campaigns to ensure that people with a congenital or involuntary disability are not portrayed and perceived as stereotypically deficient in the media and society, and that people who have acquired their disability through their own risky actions are not given an excessive status.
On German National Day in 2011, the Federal President personally awarded him the Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in Berlin. At the suggestion of the district governor, he was awarded the "Melvin Jones Fellowship Award" in 2023, the highest award of the Lions Club International Foundation.
Weitere wissenschaftliche Interessengebiete // Further Scientific Areas of Interest
Angewandte Wissenschaftsphilosophie: Philosophie der Technik und Raumfahrt · Medizintheorie (Philosophie der Medizin)
Medizinwissenschaft: Digitale Medizin · Medizinische Longevity- & Verjüngungsforschung · Raumfahrt & Behinderung
Applied Philosophy of Science: Philosophy of Technology and Spaceflight · Philosophy of Medicine
Medical Sciences: Digital Medicine · Biomedical Longevity & Rejuvenation Research · Space flight & Disability
DIN EN ISO 9000 ff. (QMF-TÜV) · Coach der Wirtschaft (IHK) · Psychotherapie (HeilprG) · Hypnose · BVP – Behandlung im Voraus planen (DiV-BVP/ACP-D) · Ethik im Gesundheitswesen (AEM zert.) · Validation bei Demenz nach N. Feil (Follow-Up Seminar)
DIN EN ISO 9000 ff. QM Professional · Coach of the Industry (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) · Psychotherapy (HeilprG) · Hypnosis · ACP – Advance Care Planning (DiV-BVP/ACP-D) · Ethics in Health Care (cert. by AEM - German-speaking professional society for medical ethics) · Validation in dementia according to N. Feil (Follow-Up Seminar)
Kapitel in Büchern // Book Chapters
1. Knöll, Heinz-Dieter; Slotos, Thomas; Suk, Wolfgang: Mitarbeit an / collaboration on "Quality Function Deployment" in "Entwicklung und Qualitätssicherung von Anwendungssoftware". Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 1996
Bücher // Books
1. von Osthoff, Marc: Das Dual-kooperative Organisationsmodell im PPP - Gezeigt am Beispiel einer Medienhochschulplanung für Niedersachsen, Bremen - Oxford: EH-Verlag 2011
2. Jankowski, Ralf; von Osthoff, Marc; Zöller-Greer, Peter: Virtuelles Klassenzimmer und Tele-Teaching für die Praxis, Wächtersbach: Composia Verlag 2012
Journalistische Publikationen // Journalistic Publications
1. Baron von Osthoff, Marc: Jungbrunnen 2.0 – Wie Wissenschaft und Silicon Valley den Tod verschieben möchten, PT-Magazin für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 15. Jahrgang, Leipzig 2019
2. Baron von Osthoff, Marc: Verlängerung des gesunden Lebens – eine greifbare Zukunftsversion, PT-Magazin für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, online, Leipzig 2024
Artikel in Journalen // Journal Articles
1. Böhme C., Baron von Osthoff M., Frey K., Hübner J.: Development of a Rating Tool for Mobile Cancer Apps: Information Analysis and Formal and Content-Related Evaluation of Selected Cancer Apps., Journal of Cancer Education, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s13187-017-1273-9
2. Böhme C., Baron von Osthoff M., Frey K., Hübner J.: Qualitative evaluation of mobile cancer apps with particular attention to the target group, content and advertising., Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s00432-017-2533-0
3. Schäfer L., Keinki C., Baron von Osthoff M., Hübner J.: Potential interactions of medication prescribed in discharge letters from a clinic for chematology and oncology., Oncology Research and Treatment, 2018, DOI: 10.1159/000486161
4. Watzlaw-Schmidt, U.; Baron von Osthoff, M.: Organisation der Vorsorgeplanung - eine Lösung in Sicht., pflegen:palliativ - für die professionelle Pflege unheilbar kranker und sterbender Menschen, 42/2019, Seelze 2019
5. Watzlaw-Schmidt, U. & Baron von Osthoff, M.: Behandlung im Voraus planen - Praxismaterialien für die regionale Implementierung in Einrichtungen., pflegen:palliativ - für die professionelle Pflege unheilbar kranker und sterbender Menschen, 42/2019, Seelze 2019
6. Baron von Osthoff, M., Watzlaw-Schmidt, U., Lehmann, Th., Hübner, J.: Patientengruppenspezifische Datenhoheitsbedürfnisse und Akzeptanz der elektronischen Patientenakte in Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz. 2022, DOI : 10.1007/s00103-022-03589-w
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